Rack Manufacture

Rack Manufacture
Rack Manufacture
Boubyan Industry for Gases manufacturers its own cylinder Packs/Racks/Quads (for up to 64 cylinders) at its factory in Kuala Lumpur. All the Packs are fully certified by DNV and are designed to accommodate cylinders produced by all of the global manufacturers.
We are happy to quote customers for the sale of Packs for their own internal use, including supplying to specific customized sizes and dimensions.
Among other features, Boubyan Industry for Gases can deliver Packs with:
- Stencilled contents and painted in accordance with IMCA guidelines.
- Third Party tested and with Load Test, MPI and Sling certification to BS 12079 or DNV 2.7-1. This is in accordance with IMCA Guideline DO-18. A data plate is clearly marked and attached to each Pack.
- Boubyan Industry for Gases cylinders and Packs are clearly identified under the international colour coding standard and copies of all the test certificates accompany each Pack in a protective PVC holder.
- Dedicated lifting slings which require load testing annually and a visual six monthly inspection in accordance with IMCA Guideline DO18 Sheet 29.2.